_ Sherman Visual Lab: Science Studio, Physics Lab
03/15/2025 Saturday

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Welcome to Our VRML Lab

VRML was hot around the year 2000 (from 1997 to 2003). Since then, it has been gradually faded out and evoluted into X3D, which is the enhanced successor to VRML.

Unfortunately, previously popular browser-plugin tools are no longer working. However many VRML 3D demos (files ending with .wrl) are still very educational. If you still want to play them, you can download stand-alone tools from web. For example, you may download and install a VRML Viewer for Windows from Cortona VRML Client . When you click on a link to a .wrl file on your browser, you can download it to your computer and view it by using the viewer.

My VRML 2.0 Practice

Coded in 1999-2002; Based on The Bible of VRML: VRML 2.0: sourcebook by A. L. Ames et al

Note: You can also find many useful online example in the sorcebook by clicking here



  1. Atlas II A (a static model, use VRML browser tools to play with)
  2. Physics in Virtual Reality
  3. Two Airplanes Engaged In Dogfight (animation with sound effect)
  4. Mouse-Controlled Dogfight of One Plane
  5. Mouse-Controlled Dogfight of Two Planes
  6. A Wiggling Snake
  7. Three vessels acting as three buttons

I. Stable Models (use VRML browser tools to play with)

II. Physics In Virtual Reality

Enjoy VRML!

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